• Product code: IO81
  • Sizes: 35/36 - 47/48

The iORTO MEDIC PRO insoles are designed to support the medial longitudinal arch (longitudinal flatfoot) and the transverse arch of the foot (transverse flatfoot). Thanks to the heel-relieving foam used, the insoles provide cushioning for each step. Furthermore, the iORTO MEDIC PRO insoles raise the lateral edge of the foot, which helps decrease the medial strain on the knee joint compartment. These insoles are designed for use in cases of single-compartment osteoarthritis of the knee, overloading, and other conditions where it is necessary to reduce the load on the medial compartment of the knee joint.


  • przeciążenie przedziału przyśrodkowego kolana overload of the medial compartment of the knee
  • nadmierna supinacja przodostopia excessive forefoot supination
  • płaskostopie poprzeczne transverse flat feet
  • płaskostopie podłużne longitudinal flat feet


  • forefoot pronating wedge,
  • dynamic support for the longitudinal arch,
  • heel stabilisation,
  • cushioning – protection against micro-injuries,
  • heel bone relief,
  • raising the transverse arch of the foot.


  • relief for the medial knee compartment post-surgery or injury,
  • correction of excessive forefoot supination,
  • management of knee joint axis disorders,
  • alleviation of osteoarthritis in the medial compartment,
  • support during the rehabilitation process,
  • effective for transverse and longitudinal flatfoot, especially with excessive supination.
Manufacturer: Zbigniew Frąckowiak MAZBIT Przedsiębiorstwo

This is a medical device.
Use it according to the instructions for use or label.


  • Element:
  • 1. The drop-shaped pressure pad supporting the heads of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
  • 2. Multi-layer rearfoot cushioning.
  • 3. Innovative foot support – variable dynamics module.
  • 4. Cushioning throughout the insole.
  • 5. Forefoot pronation.

Why choose the iORTO MEDIC insoles?

Wkładki SUP, Wkładki PRO iORTO MEDIC

Choose the perfect insole for you

The iORTO MEDIC insoles offer many options for selection. Firstly, these variable dynamics insoles take into account the patient's weight in addition to the condition for an even better effect. Secondly, the iORTO MEDIC stabilizing and relieving insoles are available in two variants (PRO and SUP) so that the specialist can select them to suit the specific nature of your condition and the therapy being conducted.

Wkładki na płaskostopie poprzeczne

Protect yourself before and after the medical procedure

iORTO MEDIC Pro inserts raise the lateral edge of the foot, which reduces the load on the medial compartment of the knee joint. Inserts of this type are used for single-compartment degenerative changes of the knee joint, overloads and other disease states where it is required to reduce the load on the medial compartment of the knee joint. They are recommended by specialists both before and after possible treatments to support the therapy.

Wkładki na płaskostopie poprzeczne

Restore comfort of movement

Thanks to directional corrections and restoring the correct gait axis, as well as cushioning foam, we can be sure that each step we take will be more pleasant.

Wkładki na płaskostopie poprzeczne

Stop the pain

The elements used in iORTO MEDIC Pro reduce pain by relieving the heel, forefoot and medial compartment of the knee joint. Thanks to the materials used, iORTO MEDIC PRO insoles cushion your every step.

Take care of stabilization

Thanks to the support of the navicular and cuboid bones, we achieve the correct positioning of the hindfoot and stabilization of the hindfoot.