At the heart of every contemporary podiatry and physiotherapy practice lies dependable diagnostic devices. We have developed our range of devices by drawing on years of expertise and consulting with orthopaedists, physiotherapists, and podiatrists.

Over the years, we have continued to create increasingly innovative solutions to satisfy the needs of even the most discerning professionals. Furthermore, as long as you work with us, we will provide you with a cutting-edge diagnostics programme, along with comprehensive IT support. This comprehensive package enables you to not only diagnose patients professionally and accurately, but also to archive results and design bespoke insoles tailored to each individual’s needs. Additionally, the process of choosing appropriate serial, thermoformable insoles with variable dynamics from our iOrto line will become significantly more straightforward.

Mazbit diagnostic devices offer

PODOPLATE - a pressure sensing mat complete with advanced software for archiving diagnostic examinations



Enhanced foot diagnostics – this device facilitates easy and precise dynamic, static, and postural examinations, offering a multifaceted approach to foot diagnostics on a single platform. The software allows for the storage of examination data and comparison of patient results over time. The device can pinpoint the most vulnerable areas on the foot that are prone to injuries. The device provides statistics on patients and has the capability to analyse data across patient groups. It accurately measures the patient’s foot, determining the severity and specific characteristics of the condition. Examination results can be conveniently exported to .pdf files. The device is comprehensive equipment that aids in therapy planning and the precise design of custom insoles. Its compact and lightweight design makes it easy to transport and ideal for use in various settings without requiring much space.

Technical specifications

  • recognised as one of the most accurate devices for assessing foot defects and posture defects,
  • examination area 40 x 40 cm,
  • dimensions: 56,5 x 61,2 x 2,2 cm,
  • mat thickness: 8 mm,
  • weight: 3 kg,
  • maximum load: 200 kg,
  • power supply: PC via USB cable.

PODOSCOPE 1080FHD - DUO a diagnostic station complete with advanced software for archiving diagnostic examinations



The device is designed for comprehensive postural diagnosis, featuring two integrated cameras. These cameras enable the capture of detailed images of the feet’s soles, as well as the alignment of the lower limbs at the levels of the ankle and knee joints. The station is operated using specialised software, enabling precise and detailed analysis.
Crafted from superior quality materials, the station boasts a patient weight capacity of up to 150 kg.
Its design includes built-in feet for stable and level set-up within an office environment, enhancing measurement accuracy.
For enhanced patient safety, the station offers an optional feature of handrails, facilitating easier and safer entry and exit from the podium, thereby minimising the risk of falls.
A notable feature of the station is its modular design, particularly the detachable control panel column, which allows for convenient transportation to different locations. This portability is especially beneficial for specialists who conduct medical examination or diagnostics in various settings outside their primary office.
Furthermore, throughout our cooperation, we provide ongoing IT support.

Technical specifications

  • two Full HD 1080p cameras for diagnostics,
  • software for archiving posture examinations,
  • Variable colour LED lighting, allowing for customisable illumination of the diagnostic area,
  • LED case lighting,
  • place for your company’s logo,
  • USB port for connecting the station to the computer,
  • computer cockpit,
  • LED lighting control panel,
  • column that can be disassembled, facilitating easy transportation,
  • load capacity: up to 150kg,
  • dimensions: 42,5 x 72,5 x 119,5 cm.

Additional options

  • handrails to facilitate safer and easier entry and exit
  • option to personalise the diagnostic station column with your own logo.

PODOSCOPE 1080FHD - a podoscope with software for archiving diagnostic examinations

PODOSCOPE FHD1080 - podoskop diagnostyczny z kamerą



Compact and lightweight, ideal for small medical shops focused on reselling the iOrto line of prophylactic and serial insoles. Due to its weight, portable enough for field diagnostics. Additionally, we offer innovative, specialised software with IT department support, free of charge for the duration of the collaboration, enabling customised insole design and study archiving. The device features a built-in camera for capturing high-quality images.

Technical specifications

  • Full HD 1080p camera
  • LED backlight
  • Variable backlight colours
  • dimensions: 48.5 x 40 x 22.5 cm
  • weight: 13.75 kg

PODOSCOPE - a podoscope with electronic diagnostic chart

PODOSCOPE - podoskop diagnostyczny do badań stóp



Compact and lightweight, ideal for small medical shops focused on reselling the iOrto line of prophylactic and serial insoles. Due to its weight, portable enough for field diagnostics. In addition, we offer a complimentary electronic diagnostic chart to facilitate the assessment of the patient’s foot condition.

Technical specifications

  • LED backlight
  • variable backlight colours
  • dimensions: 48.5 x 40 x 16.5 cm
  • weight: 12.75 kg

PODOSCANER PRO 3D - DUO a diagnostic station complete with advanced software for archiving diagnostic examinations.

Platforma skaner diagnostyczny do badan stop PODOSCANER PRO 3D DUO



Specifically designed for highly qualified professionals. Equipped with an integrated camera that captures two top-quality images, allowing you to archive visuals of the knee and ankle system, as well as the top of the foot. The scanner obtains a third image, which provides excellent quality of the foot’s sole image (even fingerprints can be seen in close-up) and eliminates background reflections for enhanced patient comfort. Ensures comprehensive client examination. Additionally, we offer innovative, specialised software with IT department support, free of charge for the duration of the collaboration, enabling customised insole design and study archiving.

Technical specifications

  • diagnostic programme for archiving patient history
  • full HD 1080p camera to assist in assessing postural defects
  • detailed 1:1 footage with up to 1600DPI quality
  • dimensions: 85 x 44.5 x 111 cm.

PODOSCANER PRO 3D - a scanner with extended software for archiving diagnostic examinations

Skaner do diagnozy stóp PODOSCANER PRO 3D



Compact and lightweight, ideal for small medical shops focused on reselling the iOrto line of prophylactic and serial insoles. Due to its weight, portable enough for field diagnostics. Additionally, we offer innovative, specialised software with IT department support, free of charge for the duration of the collaboration, enabling customised insole design and study archiving. The device is equipped with a scanner, which provides excellent quality of the foot’s sole image (even fingerprints can be seen in close-up) and eliminates background reflections for enhanced patient comfort.

Technical specifications

  • diagnostic programme for archiving patient history
  • detailed 1:1 footage with up to 1600DPI quality
  • dimensions: 85 x 44.5 x 11.5 cm
  • weight: 15.4 kg

*Please note that the specifications of the device may vary based on the availability of components. A computer is not included with the set.

This is a medical device.
Use it according to the instructions for use or label.